Blue Umbrella works on four main programs that serve the purpose of establishing an overarching umbrella connecting all of the targeted groups with the services provided to them; especially the refugee community. The organization also works to raise social awareness and advocate for the various issues concerning these groups; linking them with the international community and organizations. The following are examples of these programs:
a) "Youth leaders' bridges" program.
b) "Selflessness website" program for refugees.
c) "Legal prescription" program.
d) "Innovative technology connection" (DIC) program.
e) "The Aware" program for raising the awareness of civil society and advocating for the issues of its concern.
The "Youth leaders' bridges" program.
Blue Umbrella believes in the necessity of experience exchange through cultural exchange programs with several countries; especially developed ones. Such an exchange serves to engage our youth in different experiences and experiments in societies that are totally new to them.
Our organization has signed a several agreements with international organizations that provide cultural exchange opportunities for the youth, and enrolling them into training courses in several different countries. Since the commencement of the project, 5 young Jordanians have participated so far; whereas they enrolled in training in Bulgaria and Tunisia. As our organization is keen to provide equal opportunity for all, cultural exchange opportunities are promoted and announced via all of our communication channels and are subject to fair competition. This is in order to ensure the highest level of integrity and equal opportunity.
" Altruism website" program for refugees.
This project unfolded into a comprehensive website that aims to provide services to refugees, whether they were residing within camps, in urban or rural settings. The website provides refugees with access to medical, humanitarian relief, and legal services available around the clock. The website also includes educational services provided to children; whether such services are provided by official, civil, or international organizations.
Statistics conducted as a part of the global trends report showed that (85%) of the registered refugees in Jordan live outside refugee camps; distributed in various governorates. This makes such a website an urgent need to provide information and access to the services available to refugees.
"Legal prescription" program.
With several volunteer highly qualified attorneys on board, Blue Umbrella works to provide basic and necessary legal information to refugees and asylum seekers in Jordan. The information provided is usually about their lawfully granted rights and other legal matters. The "Legal prescription" project also provides legal consultations regarding the asylum application process, as well as any legal issues refugees may face during their stay in Jordan.
The project also provides free of charge training for the employees of local and international organizations, youth activists, and even refugees themselves about international conventions and local regulations relevant to refugees and their status.
"Innovative technology connection" (DIC) program
- The Arab Youth Innovation book
In light of the prevalent stereotype about the Arab youth legging behind the advancements in technology and the lack of Arab innovation, as well as the characterization of Arab youth as an easy target for intellectual terrorism and religious extremism, a young Jordanian woman; a PHD holder, residing in the United States had relentlessly worked on authoring a book that sheds light on the Arab youth innovations; refuting the false prejudice accusations attributed to them. In cooperation with Blue Umbrella, multiple interviews were conducted with Arab Jordanian youth who set examples of hard work and innovation in the different scientific, literature, technological, and even religious areas.
Our organization has participated in conducting the interviews in Jordan, and has reached out to numerous successful Jordanian young innovators. This is aimed to depict a more realistic image of the Arab youth; shedding light on their innovations and achievements that are worth to be shown to the whole world.
"In one minute" documentaries project.
"Aware" program to raise the awareness of civil society and advocate for the issues of its concern.
Undoubtedly, civil and political issues have become a concern for the world's youth in general and for the Arab Jordanian youth in particular. Therefore, Blue Umbrella has carried out several projects contributing towards raising social awareness, and relaying the voice of the Jordanian youth. These projects included the following:
Awareness sessions for the youth. These can be summarized as follows:
- A discussion session about "article 308 of the Jordanian penal code" related to the marriage of the raped woman:
Perhaps, one of the most significant sessions among others is the discussion session about "article 308 of the Jordanian penal code". The session was aimed to come up with recommendations about the stipulation, conclude a vision about the core problem and the solutions provided for under the article in question. Further, the session also included a discussion of the necessary practical steps to be taken towards repealing article 308.
- A discussion session about "The political parties' law"
A youth discussion session was organized by Blue Umbrella to deliberate the political parties' law. The workshop covered the following themes: Orienting the youth on the political parties' law, the conditions and steps taken to register a political party, directives pertaining to financing and practical difficulties, reviewing samples of objectives and the political parties' articles of association.
- An awareness workshop for the " deprived family support " on human rights and civil society organizations
Our organization has worked to shed light on some youth segments suffering some sort of marginalization, or lack of adequate support to integrate within the community. This effort steams from the organization's belief that social awareness and civil action is everyone's right. Therefore, the "Deprived family support" segment was targeted by Blue Umbrella with a workshop on human rights and civil society organizations.
- A discussion session on the "Election law"
"The parliamentary elections" of 2016 was an unprecedentedly huge event on the Jordanian political arena. What made this round of election special is the new election law passed recently. On this basis, Blue Umbrella was keen to convene discussion and awareness sessions for the Jordanian youth regarding this new law. The sessions were held nationwide.
"Gender-based violence" Project
One of the significant projects carried out by Blue Umbrella is the project on gender equality entitled "Gender not Antar". The projects aims to promote gender equality and to shed light on the issues related to gender; especially among the youth engaged in the developmental sector and youth activists in the governorates. The project works on launching advocacy campaigns for gender-based issues in local communities; with a view to raise women and youth awareness on them.
The project on "Youth leaders in the Arab world"
In partnership with the World Youth Alliance, Blue Umbrella had coordinated a project entitled "Youth leaders in the Arab world". The project; which aimed to train and build the capacities of 620 young men and women from Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, and Morocco, was implemented in Jordan over the course of two years. In this project, Blue Umbrella had facilitated training workshops, awareness sessions, and community services in several areas; including democracy, leadership, human dignity, and human rights.